Hi everyone.
Managed to log on on in
Ferreira a town about 15 miles away from where we are staying at a place called Camp
Markadia, at the side of a
Barragem (Portuguese for dam or lake).
The camp site is brilliant and is the third time we have been here, the lake is formed by
damming a river and is
absolutely enormous, Evie loves it here as there are lots of rabbits and she spends loads of energy chasing them, they must be laughing at her she has no chance of catching one as they must be twice as quick as her!.
The water in the lake is crystal clear and is used by the
Portuguese as a seaside resort in the summer with lots of swimming and boating. The fishing is
OK a bit like down at our lakes and I would expect to catch something, the only fish I have ever caught are wild common carp and a 5lb fish is quite big for here, with the average being about 3lb but with them being wild they fight like stink three times stronger than the fish down in the caravan pond!.
The tally so far is the first days fishing I caught 8, got smashed off 7 times with out even picking the rod up! and on the nearly 9lb bottom hook length as well lost 2 off on the way in. Second day went fishing with Sandra she had 6 carp I had 5 with same thing being smashed off on the take,
hmm she gave me a good spanking that day. the 3rd day I managed to get 4 fish and
the same thing smashed off on the take very violent takes all on pop up sweetcorn which have now all gone.
The weather is very hit and miss at the moment and Sandra speaking to some of the long time campers was
told it has rained and been crap since November. When it is nice you can sit out in a tee shirt it is that warm, and we have the window open on the van at night as it gets too hot to sleep.
We are about 150 miles away from the
Algarve at the bottom of Portugal, but we are undecided when to
travel down as the weather there can n
ot be much different than where we are now at the moment, but I suppose we will wonder down sometime there is no rush as we still have tons of time left to follow the sun.
I will sign off now as I am going to the Tourist information place
across the road from where I am logged on (I think it is their
wifi signal I am using) to ask were there is a
Pesca shop to get some more fake corn and
groundbait, Catch up with you later when I can blag another
wifi signal.